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열변색 응용을 위한 일부 나노재료
    열변색 응용을 위한 일부 나노재료

열변색성(Thermochromism)은 온도 변화에 따라 재료의 색상이 변하는 현상을 말합니다. 이러한 변화는 일반적으로 재료의 전자 또는 분자 구조의 변화로 인해 발생합니다. 적용 원리는 주로 다음과 같은 측면을 포함합니다. 1. 열변색성 물질의 분자는 가열되면 구조적 또는 전자적 에너지 준위가 변화하여 특정 파장의 빛의 흡수 또는 반사가 변경됩니다. 이러한 변화는 분자 간의 상호 작용을 변경하고 방향이나 형태를 변경하는 등을 통해 달성될 수...


전망 :

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  • cs0.33wo3 세슘 텅스텐 산화물 나노 분말
    CS0.33WO3 Cesium Tungsten Oxide Nanopowders
    HW NANO manufacture and supply high quality CS0.32WO3 Cesium Tungsten Oxide Nanopowder.
  • 투명한 단열 코팅을위한 나노 세슘 텅스텐 브론즈
    Nano Cesium Tungsten Bronze for transparent heat insulation coating
    Infrared thermal insulation material nano cesium tungsten bronze powder Synonyms For Nano cesium tungstate,Cesium tungsten oxide,Cs0.33WO3.   Cesium tungsten bronze (Cs0.33 WO3) nano powder is a new functional materials,which has strong absorption and high transmittance ability in near infrared region (800-1200nm wavelength) and the visible region (380-780nm wavelength).    Nano cesium tungsten bronze powder is the best transparent heat insulation material for the car sticker, PVB heat insulation film and other transparent coatings. Adding 1.3 grams per square metre in coating can achieve 950 nm infrared blocking rate above 90%, 550nm visible light transmittance over 70%, the fog degree is less than 0.5%.Cesium tungsten bronze powders were also widely used in laser marking, laser welding, greenhouses, diagnosis and infrared filter. With low resistivity, low temperature superconducting properties and good near infrared shielding performance, nano cesium tungsten bronze is expected to replace the existing the window material ITO conductive glass, can be used as good near infrared heat insulation material, it is very attractive in the field of automobile and construction application prospect. Our commitment to quality and customer service have established us a leader in the international nanopowders market.  We work with our customers to make their finished products better by fine tuning their specifications to achieve the best possible results. Whether you need inorganic chemical nanomaterials, dispersion, or customize super fine chemicals, your lab can rely on Hongwu Nanometer for all nanomaterials needs. We take pride in developing the most forward nanopowders and nanoparticles and offering them at a fair price. And our online product catalog is easy to search, making it easy to consult and buy. Plus, if you have any questions about all our nanomaterials, get in touch. For all nanomaterial & nanopowders & nanoparticles needs, you need Hongwu International Group LTD. W690, Nano cesium tungsten oxide, 80-100nm, 100-200nm, 99.9% W691, Yellow nano tungsten oxide, 50nm, 99.9% W692, Blue nano tungsten oxide, 80-100nm, 99.9% W693, Purple nano tungsten oxide, 80-100nm, 99.9%    



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